Can I go to Vanessa's room?


1. You need to be invited in.


2. Return here once you have found the invitation on your pillow. (It will appear late in your investigations.)


3. Mahrute thinks you need to confine Trevor somewhere first.


4. Trevor must be somewhere around, go have a look.


5. You'll find Trevor in the conference center.


6. There are only two exits out of the conference center, and one is already locked.


7. Go out and lock the other door.


8. Tap the panel by the door and repeat the puzzle in reverse to lock the door behind you.


9. You need to rotate the squares so that they make up a continuous shape, no loose ends.



10. In row 1, tap squares 1, 2 and 4 twice. In row 2, tap square 1 twice, square 2 three times, squares 3 and 4 once. In row 3, tap square 1 twice and square 2 once. In row 4, tap squares 1 and 3 twice, squares 2 and 4 once. Trevor is now locked in, and you're free to visit Vanessa.


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