What's the password for the secret safe inside the vault?

Have you opened the secret panel on the empty wall of the bank vault? If not, come back when you have.


Tap on the left or right of the virtual rings to rotate them and form a vertical three-letter password in the central frame.


When you think you have the correct password in the virtual frame, tap on it to confirm.


You can look on the DESK in the bank for a hint.


TYPEWRITERS are so much fun. Why don't you try this one out?


Does the typed text remind you of something?


It sounds childish, almost as childish as the ABC song.


It's actually an old typing exercise, useful because it contains all the letters of the alphabet – well, almost.


It's supposed to be the "LAZY DOG." The Z is missing.


How you write out Z has a lot to do with where you're from.


There's a hint to where the state-of-the-art safe was manufactured on the desk again.


Her Majesty's Safes seem to be based somewhere in ENGLAND.



Turn the virtual rings to spell ZED. Tap ZED to open the safe.


Back up to see the safe open and grab what's inside.


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